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Copper, like that found in household electrical wiring, is malleable. Aluminum, to some extent, is malleable as well. Some plastics and rubbers are considered malleable too, but sometimes only under certain conditions.

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14y ago
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21h ago

Gold is a classic example of a malleable substance. It can be easily hammered into thin sheets or shaped into various forms without breaking.

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9y ago

There are many malleable items. Some of these include Play-Doh, fruit, vegetables, aluminum, fabric, copper, iron, as well as plastic.

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7y ago

Gold is malleable, being able to be beaten in to very thin sheets (gold leaf).

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Q: Exemple of substance that is malleable?
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Metals like gold, silver, and copper are typically malleable substances. They can be easily shaped or hammered into thin sheets without breaking.

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Playdough is an example of a malleable substance. It can be easily shaped, molded, and reshaped due to its soft and pliable texture.

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Uranium is a fairly malleable substance, and it is also ductile.

What is a example of a substance that is malleable?

most metals - gold in particular

When a substance is malleable?

Malleability is the aptitude of a material to be easily deformed.

Is a substance malleable if you hit it with a hammer and flattens but does not break?

Yes, a substance is considered malleable if it can be hammered or pressed into a thin sheet without breaking. Materials like gold, lead, and aluminum are good examples of malleable substances.

What is the opposite of malleable?

The opposite of malleable is brittle, which means that a substance is prone to breaking or shattering when subjected to stress or pressure.

What is a malleable substance?

A malleable substance is a material that can be easily shaped or molded under pressure, without breaking. Examples include metals such as gold, silver, and copper, as well as materials like clay and plastics.