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Q: Explain how a series of measurements can be precise without being accurate?
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Can a measurement be precise without being accurate?

You can make a very precise measurement with a poorly calibrated device.

How can a series of measurements be precise without being accurate?

Precision is the number of significant figures, a function of the instrument / procedure used. Accuracy describes measurement error, indicating how closely that the measurement represents the actual value. Errors affect accuracy... like the butcher's thumb on the scale.

If you measure the mass of an object four times and get values that are very close to each other the measurements are said to be?

If you take a measurement multiple times, and get similar values each time, then the data is said to be very precise. If this group of data is very close to the expected value, then the data is said to be accurate. However, a set of data may be precise without being accurate if the measured values are all similar to one another, but not close to the expected value.

What is criminolgy of a science?

Criminology is a social science that studies the causes, consequences, and prevention of criminal behavior. It involves analyzing crime trends, patterns, and behaviors to develop theories and strategies aimed at reducing and understanding criminal activity. By incorporating elements of sociology, psychology, and law, criminology provides insights into why individuals commit crimes and how society can address these issues.

Distinguish between accuracy and precision of a measurement?

Measurements are precise when they are all very similar (ie, if a temperature was measured as 23.2C, 23.1C, and 23.3C). Measurements are accurate when they are close to a known value (such as 100.01C measured as the boiling point of pure water at 1 atm).

What were the boys' and girls' doing at the mission?

You need to be more precise about which mission are you talking about. Without further details it will be impossible to give an accurate answer about the question.

What contribution did Brahe and Kepler make to Astronomy?

He made surprisingly accurate positional measurements of the brighter stars in the sky without the aid of a telescope. He did this through an important step in the scientific method...repeating your work. This helped make his measurements as accurate as they were. This information was passed on to one of his assistants, Johannes Kepler, who used the information to develop Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion.

What are the Importance of flow measurement and control?

1. The accurate measurement of a gas and liquid is important to obtain specific proportions as per process requirement is necessary. 2. The maintenance of definite rates of flow is important for maximum efficiency and production. Without accurate measurements precise quality is control is impossible. 3. Costs which are based on flow measurements will be incorrect if the measurement are erroneous because huge volumes of gas, steam and liquid may have to be measured daily, a very small %age error can amount to large sums.

Exact precise accurate which is the synonymic dominant?

I would say it all depends on the context in which it is used..there are slight variations in their definitions. There is no simple answer without knowing the context.

How many miles does one inch represent on a globe?

it would depend entirly on the size of the globe your using. without measurements, no one would be able to give an accurate answer.

What is world without measurements?

without measurement :the people will be

When digital caliper jaws are closed the reading without a part must read?

When the digital caliper jaws are closed without a part, the reading should be zero. This ensures that accurate measurements start from a baseline of zero before taking any measurements. If the reading is not zero when the jaws are closed, it may indicate a need for calibration or adjustment.