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It can be found because of continetal drift

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3mo ago

Coal found near the South Pole was likely formed millions of years ago when the continent was part of a warmer climate and rich vegetation covered the land. Over time, the vegetation was buried and compressed, eventually forming coal deposits. As Antarctica has moved to its current position near the South Pole, these coal deposits have remained buried under layers of ice and snow.

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13y ago

Because near South pole was or near the equator ( when the land is in the equator, the weather is warm

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Q: Explain how coal could be found so near to the south pole?
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The coal found in Antarctica likely formed during a time when the continent was situated further north within a warmer climate, allowing for the formation of coal beds in swamps. Over millions of years, tectonic movements and continental drift caused Antarctica to move to its current position near the South Pole, preserving the coal deposits beneath the ice.

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The fossil fuel found in sedimentary rock is coal. Coal forms from the remains of plants that have been buried and compressed over millions of years.

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Coal can be found in numerous countries around the world, including China, United States, Australia, India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa, and Germany. These countries are known to have substantial coal reserves and active coal mining industries.

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Fossils of the same species of land mammals have been found on separate land masses. Coal fields in the Americas and Europe share many similarities and it is highly possible that they were once connected to form a large coal field.

Where is coal found in the united kingdom?

Most of Britain's coal has now been extracted but the main mining areas were in Fife, Yorkshire and South Wales.

Where in the world do you find large supplies of coal?

The largest coal reserves are found in the US, Russia, China, Australia, India, Germany, the Ukraine. Kazakhstan, and South Africa. Most of the German coal is lignite which is the lowest grade of coal.

How coal could be found so near to the south pole?

Coal deposits near the South Pole formed when the continent of Antarctica was located much further north and had a temperate climate, allowing for the growth of lush forests and plants. Over time, these plant materials were buried and compressed, forming coal deposits that are now exposed near the South Pole due to plate tectonics and continental drift.

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