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Concept, or category hierarchies are ways that humans organize ideas or perceptions into a compartmentalized web for easier access in thinking. For example, when people imagine a Labrador retriever, they are actually going through a process of tracing a category hierarchy. They start with animals, then move down to domesticated animals (because Labradors are not wild animals), and then they distinguish between cats and farm animals, and arrive at the dogs category. And with each concept or category, we have a mental image or typical example associated with the concept; this typical example is known as a prototype. When someone mentions a bird, people typically refer to their "bird prototype," which, in most cases, is a robin-like bird, and not an ostrich, emu, or penguin.

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Concept hierarchies organize related concepts into a structured system, where more general concepts are at the top and become more specific as you move down. Prototypes are the best example or representation of a concept within a category in a hierarchy. They help people categorize new information by comparing it to the prototype in their minds.

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In Piaget's theory, schema refers to mental frameworks used to understand and organize information. Assimilation occurs when new information fits existing schemas, while accommodation involves modifying schemas to fit new information. Equilibrium is a state of balance between assimilation and accommodation, while disequilibrium happens when there is a mismatch, leading to cognitive conflict and driving cognitive development. These concepts help explain how children progress through stages of cognitive development by interacting with their environment and adjusting their mental structures.

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To write an introduction about the relationship between Lennie and George in "Of Mice and Men," you can start by providing background information about the novel and the characters. Briefly explain the unique dynamic between Lennie and George, emphasizing their contrasting personalities and the complexities of their friendship. Additionally, mention the themes that their relationship highlights, such as companionship, loneliness, and the pursuit of the American Dream. This will set the stage for a more detailed exploration of their relationship in the body of your essay.

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The mental product of comprehension is understanding. It involves grasping and interpreting information or concepts, making connections, and being able to explain or apply what has been learned.

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Some examples of psychological constructs include intelligence, personality traits (such as extroversion or neuroticism), and emotional states (such as anxiety or happiness). These constructs are abstract concepts that are used to explain and understand human behavior and mental processes.

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