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Embodied energy is the amount of energy that has been put into producing a materials from its raw materials.

Aluminium has a high embodied energy because it undergoes extensive processing from Bauxite (look it up if you don't know.) This processing is more extensive than plastics, and therefore requires more energy.

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Q: Explain why Aluminum has a higher embodied energy plastic?
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Which would melt first aluminum or iron?

The rate at which water freezes depends on the thermal conductivity of the container. Plastic is generally not very thermally conductive, whereas aluminum foil is more thermally conductive. Thus, as long as the foil is not very much thinner than the plastic, the water will freeze faster in the foil.

Is plastics recycling energy efficient?

It is only a little more energy efficient than creating new plastic. Aluminum recycling, though, is 90% more energy efficient than making new aluminum for bauxite.

How much energy are you saving when you recycle?

Aluminum One of the most efficient forms of recycling is aluminum recycling. Aluminum can be reused repeatedly and requires very little processing to make it available for reuse. Manufacturers simply melt down crushed aluminum stock and add it to freshly extracted aluminum without any degradation of quality in the finished product. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, recycling an aluminum can requires less than 5 percent of the energy that would be expended in creating a similar can out of fresh bauxite ore. The Aluminum Association estimates that the energy saved in recycling a single aluminum can could power a television for 3 hours. Plastic Seven major types of plastic are found in consumer products, and recycling can Save extend the use of most of them. Recycling plastic requires only a tenth of the energy needed to create new plastic from raw materials, according to Mike Biddle, president of MBA Polymers.

Why does recycling reduce energy?

It is much easier to produce, say, aluminum cans from recycled cans. Making the cans from raw bauxite (aluminum ore) takes 21 times the energy. Glass and plastic are much the same.

Are construction workers' hours part of building's embodied energy?

Yes. Embodied energy represents the complete sum of energy required to produce, maintain, and dispose of a material or product. Because the production of a house requires the input of energy by construction workers (as well as architects, designers, engineers, and so on), their energy use is a portion of a building's embodied energy. The energy required to swing a hammer is no different than the energy required run electric machinery, it just takes different forms.

Is aluminum an insulator or conductor of thermal energy?

Aluminum is a conductor of thermal energy and electrical energy.

What is the approximate total embodied energy of 1 pound of polystyrene thermal insulation?


You can conserve energy by aluminum cans?

You can conserve energy by building a solar energy unit using aluminum cans.

How does recycling paper plastic and aluminum help to save the environment?

If paper, plastic and aluminum are not recycled they add to the huge amount of material in landfill dumps all over the world. Plastic and aluminum will remain there for years and years. Recycling the materials above uses less energy than producing them from fresh materials, so there is a reduction in carbon emissions into the atmosphere, less cost to consumers, and smaller landfill dumps. if we don't recycle plastic than we will have to keep making more and more of it and to make plastic you have to use lots and lots of chemicals, especially oil.

Is aluminum a product or a energy?

A product, because there is no such thing as aluminum being any type of an energy.

Is an aluminum can an energy resource?

No, but an aluminum can can be recycled using much less energy than it takes to separate an equivalent amount of aluminum from its ore.

Explain why there is a change in rate of energy exchange as time passes?

the temperature of hot colarmeter decrease and heat transfer by aluminum bar as time pass on .because energy flow high to law direction