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Q: Explain why consumers have power in the free-market system?
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A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units

Who are HT consumers in power sector?

High tension industrial consumers

What power do consumers hold?

Consumers can sometimes hold lots of power and sometimes very little. For example, in a captive market the consumer holds little power.

The economic system favors decisions by consumers but allows for some central planning?

Mixed economies are a combination of capitalism and centrally planned economy. In such systems, consumers have purchasing power, but there is strong government involvement in the provision of public goods.

How is hydro-power distributed to consumers?

Power is distributed through what is called the grid. The grid is a system of transmissions lines that all major power sources are connected to. This allows us to send power throughout the USA. The downside is that this grid is terribly power hungry. It consumes tons of power that we could save if power was generated locally.

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Volatile memory means when the system power is off the data is lost.Where as non volatile means the data is not lost when the system is powered off.

What are Theories of power to explain the relationship between appraiser and appraisee?

Theories of power such as French and Raven's five bases of power (reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, expert) can explain the dynamics between appraiser and appraisee. The appraiser's use of these power bases influences the appraisee's perception of the appraisal process and can impact their motivation and performance. Balancing power dynamics is important for a fair and effective appraisal system.

How do consumers exercise their power in the American economy?

by deciding what to purchase

Who used the power of reason to explain society?

Enlightenment Thinkers used the power of reason to explain how society works.