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Because the salt in the seawater dries it up. Salt is very bad for any form of plant

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14y ago

Seawater has a fairly large amount of salt; this may damage some plants.

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Is not a process that decrease the salinity of seawater?


Which is not a process the decreases the salinity of seawater?

Evaporation is a process that increases the salinity of seawater, not decreases it. Other processes that decrease the salinity of seawater include precipitation, melting of icebergs, and the input of freshwater from rivers.

What is one factor that decreases salinity in seawater?

Salinity in oceans decrease when near a river because the river adds fresh water, which lowers the percentage of salt in the water, causing the salinity to decrease.

Processes that increase the density of seawater include evaporation and .?

Processes that increase the density of seawater include evaporation and the freezing of seawater into sea ice. Evaporation causes the water volume to decrease while the salinity stays the same, increasing density. Sea ice formation removes freshwater, leaving behind denser saltwater.

Is a Seawater a mineral?

Seawater is water with salt in it

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a table spoon of seawater

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There are two possible words:desolation - a bare or bleak landscape or environmentdesalination - the production of fresh water from seawater (also known as desalinization)

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The halogen found in seawater is bromine.

What are seawater fish?

A seawater fish is a fish that lives in the sea.

Why is salt a solute in seawater?

Yes, salt is a solute in seawater. Water is the solvent, salt is one of the solutes, and the solution is seawater.

Does sea water conduct electricity?

Yes, seawater is a good conductor of electricity due to the presence of dissolved salts and minerals, which dissociate into ions that can carry electric current. This property makes seawater a potential hazard for electrical systems in marine environments.