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They are arranged smallest to largest in your question simply because each item is only a PART of what makes up the NEXT item. So, in order to CONTAIN the previous component, the following one MUST BE LARGER.

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1w ago

The order from smallest to largest is: atom, neutron, nucleus, molecule, head of a pin. Atoms are the smallest unit of matter, composed of a nucleus (protons and neutrons) surrounded by electrons. Neutrons are subatomic particles found within the nucleus of an atom. Nucleus is the central part of an atom containing protons and neutrons. Molecules are formed when atoms chemically bond together. The head of a pin is significantly larger compared to molecules.

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13y ago

An atom's neutron, an atom's nucleus, an atom, a molecule, the head of a pin.

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Q: Explain why the atoms neutron nucleus atom molecule and the head of a pin is smallest to largest?
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