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Webster Gutkowski

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Q: Extend your table for analyzing first moves on a 30-factor game board to include all the numbers on a 49-board what new primes do you find?
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How do you play the factor game on a 49 board?

use your table for analyzing first moves on a 30 board from problem 1.2.extend it to include all the numbers on a 49 board

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What Refers to the process of analyzing metrical patterns rhyme and line numbers in poetry?


How can the position of a very tiny particle be determined?

There are quantum numbers that describe the location of electrons, if that is what you mean.Answer: by analyzing its interactions with another particle

What are the facts or numbers gathered by a survey in math?

In math, survey data can include numbers such as averages, percentages, frequencies, and ranges. These numbers provide a quantitative representation of the responses collected from the survey participants. They help in analyzing the data and drawing meaningful conclusions from the survey results.

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Marketing personnel have duties that include coming up with effective advertising campaigns, analyzing sales for their clients, and determining target populations. They can make adjustments to their marketing strategies based on their client's sales numbers.

How can position of a particle be determined?

There are quantum numbers that describe the location of electrons, if that is what you mean.Answer: by analyzing its interactions with another particle

The set of numbers that include the natural numbers their opposites and 0?

The set of numbers that include the natural numbers, their opposites and 0 is called the set of integers.

What types of observations include numbers?

Quantitative observations (as opposed to qualitative observations, which do not include numbers)

Is negative 11.5 a real number?

Yes. In general, real numbers include negative numbers; they also include numbers that have decimals.

Can a real number be negative?

Yes, real numbers include both positive and negative numbers. They also include whole numbers and fractional numbers, as well as irrational numbers (numbers that can't be expressed as the ratio of two whole numbers).

How many numbers are there from 1 to 300?

If you include the numbers on the ends, then there are 300 of them. If you don't include the '1' and the 300, then there are 298.