

Fauna refers to a region's .?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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7y ago

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Fauna is the animal life found in a particular region.

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Q: Fauna refers to a region's .?
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What is the differentiation of fauna and flora?

Fauna refers to animals. Flora refers to plants.

Where are flora and fauna located?

Well flora refers to plants and fauna refers to animals, so they can be located either in the air, in the water or on land.

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The term forest wealth refers to the natural resources of woodland regions. The wealth itself is not just limited to lumber but can include flora and fauna and their critical habitat biomes.

Fauna or flora refers to a plant?

Flora = plants

What are the features of Flora and Fauna in South Australia?

Flora refers to the plant life in an area, and fauna refers to the animal life. The Flora in most of Australia is made to live in hot and humid temperatures. The fauna varies wildly, from kangaroos to giant spiders.

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Wallace's Line is a boundary that separates the ecozones of Asia and Australia. It was proposed by British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace in the 19th century to explain the distinct differences in flora and fauna between the two regions.

How can you use the word fauna in a sentence?

The word fauna refers to animal life, as contrasted with flora, which is plant life. Here's your sentence.The biologists spent three weeks carefully cataloguing the flora and fauna of the small island.

What fauna and flora are suited to arid climate regions?

Cacti, certain species of snakes and ants, and scorpions.

Tropical rain forest fauna?

Tropical rain forest fauna refers to the animals that live in the rain forest. Some of these are monkeys, lemurs, ocelots, snakes, and birds of many types.

Is the Tasmanian tiger a fauna?

Yes. 'Fauna' refers to members of the animal kingdom, and the Tasmanian tiger (more correctly known as the Thylacine) was an animal. Though now extinct, it was a carnivorous Australian marsupial.

What is red listed flora and fauna?

Red listed flora and fauna refers to endangered species of plants and animals around the world. Being Red Listed means that their preservation required urgent consideration.