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This typically happens when someone is being insincere or deceptive. It could be due to not wanting to hurt someone's feelings, avoiding conflict, or trying to manipulate a situation for personal gain. It's important to be honest and authentic in communication to maintain trust and healthy relationships.

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Q: Feel one thing but say another?
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Why do people say one thing then do another?

People may say one thing but do another due to various reasons such as changing priorities, conflicting emotions, fear of consequences, or lack of self-awareness. It may also be influenced by social pressure, uncertainty, or lack of commitment to their initial statement. Understanding individual motives and circumstances can help shed light on why this discrepancy occurs.

Is feel confidence correct?

The correct phrase is "feel confident," without the word "of." So you would say "I feel confident" instead of "I feel of confident."

What do you say when a girl asks you why do you love them?

You can say something like, "I love you because you make me feel happy and appreciated, and I admire your strength and kindness." Remember to speak from the heart and be genuine in expressing your feelings.

Will a guy stare at you if he knows you like him but he doesn't necessarily like you?

It's possible that a guy may stare at you if he knows you like him, but he may not necessarily like you in return. He may be trying to gauge your reactions or may feel flattered by the attention. However, it's important to communicate openly and directly about feelings to avoid any misunderstandings.

How do you describe how you feel about a person?

I would consider their qualities, characteristics, and actions to describe how I feel about them. For example, I might say I appreciate their kindness or admire their determination. Each individual can evoke different emotions and attitudes based on their interactions and attributes.

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When you say that one thing is like another its called a smilie when you say one thing is another that is called?

When you say one thing is another, it is called a metaphor.

To say one thing but mean another?

To say one thing and mean another is sarcasm.

To say one thing and do another?


What word means to say one thing but do another?

When someone says one thing but does another they are being a hypocrite. These people are often mocked by others.

What are something you tell a person when you trying to tell them how you feel about them?

one thing you could say is, "listen i want you to know how i really feel about you".

Does the bible say a man should wear one thing and a woman another?


How do you know if a guy doesn't likes you?

You really don't. Guys are really unpredictable. They say one thing to someone and feel another thing. A guy may like you but no one will ever know but him until he opens up to you. If you like the guy then test him and see what you can get out of him. Good Luck!

Why do people say one thing then do another?

People may say one thing but do another due to various reasons such as changing priorities, conflicting emotions, fear of consequences, or lack of self-awareness. It may also be influenced by social pressure, uncertainty, or lack of commitment to their initial statement. Understanding individual motives and circumstances can help shed light on why this discrepancy occurs.

What does it mean when a man says he loves his wife but hes never met anybody that can make him feel the way you do?

I think it really depends on the person. It's one thing to say it AND it's another thing to actually mean it. Its best if you share your thoughts with him.

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another one say it wen you feel bad

What should I believe my heart and friends say one thing and my parents say another who do I tell which is right?

If your heart and friends say one thing but your parents say another, it depends on the circumstance. Your heart holds the truth however your parents are a source of guidance. Use both and help them to guide you and determine the best solution.

How do you feel when a man shout you when you are you looking at something which is a beautiful thing or a place?

as a child i will say i feel very not interesting in every thing and feel i must shout him