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Q: Finish this pun I used to be a lion but?
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I do not know a joke about a pun backwards lion. This is a joke.

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When you finish your eggs you will wash the dishes. This is a pun.

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I used to be a frog but I took the leap and became a human.

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Where do bees go on vacation? Stingapore. Don't listen to him, he's lion.

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A good joke for the pun brr-lion would be: What did the lion put in his drink to make it cold? Mice cubes!

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Finish your pun old goats never die but they grow old and breed.

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The pun is "Old lions never die, they just lose their pride."

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Old kites never die they just blow away is the pun.

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The pun would be old cars never die, they just run into the ground.

Finish this pun old bees never die they?

The correct pun would be old bees never die, they just buzz off.