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For cheating on him or having sex with someone else...

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Q: For what reasons can a man beat up his wife in Afghanistan?
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How does god like a man beating his wife?

He doesn't! Its wrong to beat your wife. It scares her, and tears a up a relationship.

What was the verdict in the abuse trial things fall apart?

The verdict was that man and woman should not fight as husband and wife. The man should offer wine to his relatives and the wife should go back. The man should beat his wife no more.

How do you say I am from Afghanistan in Afghanistan?

man az Afganistan astam

What are 5 things John Lennon did?

He Beat his wife, he was a choir boy scout, he tried to stop war, He once almost beat a man to death and started the Beatles.

Are there any reasons why a man should beat a woman?

No, there is no reason at all. It is completely unacceptable.

What is a henpecked husband?

it is a man whose wife is constantly telling him what to do, think and behave. Similar idioms are "whipped", "brow beat",

What happened to the Lion Man's wife?

He caught her in bed with 2 other people, beat her a bit and got convicted, fined $8000

Do the men in Things Fall Apart beat their wives?

Yes, in Things Fall Apart, some men do beat their wives as it is portrayed as a norm in the traditional Igbo society depicted in the novel. This behavior is seen as a demonstration of power and dominance over their wives.

Where is the man wife at bouffant bay?

the man's wife is in the warehouse.

Why are Canadian troops in Afghanistan?

coz they want man milk

What is a hupuka?

A type of man eating enchilada from southern Afghanistan.

Can you be expelled from Judaism?

Yes - especially in the case of Orthodox Jews. One of the most common reasons is a man refusing to grant his wife a Jewish divorce (get).