

Best Answer

Kathy Bates won the 1990 Best Actress Oscar for her performance in "Misery."

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Q: For what thriller did Kathy Bates win an Oscar?
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What thriller did Kathy Bates win best actress?


What movie did kathy bates show her breasts?

There are two movies in which Kathy Bates appears nude. The first movie was back in 1991 just after her best actress Oscar win for "Misery". That film is "At play in the fields of the lord". The second movie is "About Schmidt", in which she earned her third Oscar nomination, best supporting actress.

Are Kathy Bates and Terri Bradshaw married?

Kathy Bates married to Tony Campisi from 1991 to 1997

Alfred Hitchcock's ground breaking thriller?

Rebecca (1940) was Hithcock's ground-breaking thriller. It was his first film to be made in Hollywood, and his only film to ever win the Best Picture Oscar.

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there are no sports in which you win an Oscar

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No, but he did win an Oscar in 2006.

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no she has not win any Oscar but i think soon she will win that and i love her.................

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No, you can win an Oscar for directing a short film, but you can't win an Oscar for starring in a short film.

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Sadly no, Pather Pachali didn't win an Oscar.

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No. He has not won an Oscar.

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No, he has not won an Oscar yet. It is his dream to win one. He has been making Oscar level movies however.

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No, he never won an Oscar.