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No. They are fossils that formed underground with pressure for thousands of years.

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Q: Fossil fuels form from nuclear chain reactions?
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Do nuclear chain reactions happen in only uranium?

The most common fuels used in nuclear chain reactions are 235U (uranium) and 239Pu (plutonium).

What problems harnessed nuclear energy from fossil fuels?

Nuclear energy does not come from fossil fuels

What are the differences between fossil fuels and nuclear fuels?

fossil fuel is made by the nature and nuclear fuel is not made by the nature

How does nuclear energy differ from fossil fuels?

With fossil fuels we burn them to produce heat. With nuclear fuel we produce a nuclear chain reaction in a reactor which produces heat. Using the heat to produce electricity is the same for both types of fuel.

What do power plants use to turn a generator?

Steam, created by heating water through the burning of fossil fuels or through nuclear reactions.

What do most plants use to turn a generator?

Steam, created by heating water through the burning of fossil fuels or through nuclear reactions.

What are the advances of burning fossil fuels over nuclear fuels?

Nuclear fuels are extremely dangerous and the station could explode.

Does fossil fuels get its energy from nuclear fusion?


Is nuclear reactions a nonrenewable source of energy?

Yes, but if used properly nuclear fuels can provide energy for millions of years before running out, while all known fossil fuels will run out in at most a couple hundred years.

Which of these accurately describes a difference between nuclear energy and fossil fuel?

Nuclear fuel has a higher energy density than fossil fuels.

Is it true that coal and natural gas are the main fossil fuels used in nuclear power stations?

Fossil fuels are not used in nuclear power stations. Nuclear fuel is used (uranium)

What do most power plants use to turn a generator?

Steam, created by heating water through the burning of fossil fuels or through nuclear reactions.