

Found in red bone marrow

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Red bone marrow mainly contains hematopoietic tissue - and is where red blood cells, platelets and most white blood cells arise.

Red bone marrow is mostly found in the ribs, vertebrae, pelvic bones and skull.

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15y ago

platelet formation begins with the progenitor CFU-MEG which arise from GEMM and involves a single precursor cell, the megacaryoblast, and the mature megakaryocte. so according to cell Biology and histology book the 5th edition its the mature megakaryocyte. cheack it up on page 147 good luck

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a stem cell

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What are the 2 types of marrow found in the bone?

The red bone marrow makes red blood cells. The yellow bone marrow makes chemical energy.

How do red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow differ in function?

Red marrow is found in spongy bone, and makes blood. Yellow marrow is found in the medullary cavity and stores fat.

Where is the red bone marrow found in the bone?


Where red marrow is found?

Red marrow is found inside the bone in the front of the bones where the joints are.

What do red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow have in common?

the red bone marrow produces red and white cells and platelets, while they are found in more children than in adults. The yellow bone marrow consist of fats.

Red bone marrow is found in spongy or compact bone?

Bone marrow is the substance that is found at the core of bones, and is either made of fat or red blood cells depending on the type of bone in question. For spongy bone, the marrow is made of red blood cells.

What marrow is found between the trabeculae of spongy bone?

Red marrow is found within the trabeculae of spongy bone.

Where can you found red bone marrow in a child?

In a child all bone marrow is red bone marrow and can be found in nearly all flat and long bones, including the epiphysis and diaphysis. As the child ages the red bone marrow in the diaphysis of the long bones will be replaced with yellow bone marrow.

Location of red marrow?

Red marrow is mostly found in flat bones, such as the hip bone, breast bone, skull etc. :)

What does red marrow do and where is it found?

Red bone marrow is found in ribs , ends of long bones and is involved in RBC production .

Does the end of a long bone contain yellow marrow?

No it contains red marrow. Red marrow is found in spongy bones

Is red bone marrow found in the sternum?
