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Q: Friction can cause objects to slow down what else can it do?
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Related questions

Do objects fall slower on an incline?

Yes, due to friction, but nothing else.

What force would help you slide down a slide?

Gravity? the strength of the floor?

What do balanced forces cause?

Balanced forces cause stationary objects to remain at rest and moving objects to come to rest. If on exact opposite direction - nothing. Else it will produce a resultant force.

Will rolling a marble across a sweater cause friction?

Anything that comes into contact with anything else generates friction. However, most of the time, this amount of friction, and the heat it produces, is so small that it is undetectable without extremely precise instruments.

How do I calculate the velocity of an object which hits a stationary object if I know the mass of both objects and the distance the stationary object was moved what else must I know to calculate?

You need to know the coefficient of static friction and the coefficient of moving friction for both objects. The solution involves solving a differential equation so the math is non-trivial.

Does friction increases as rotation increases?

No. Friction is a function of Normal Force and the friction coefficient, nothing else.

Why doesn't a moving object last forever?

A moving object stops moving due to friction. Friction may come from the surface on which it is rolling, the air through which it is moving, etc. Objects in a vacuum theoretically, will not stop moving until they run into something else.

Why doesn't a moving object move forever?

A moving object stops moving due to friction. Friction may come from the surface on which it is rolling, the air through which it is moving, etc. Objects in a vacuum theoretically, will not stop moving until they run into something else.

What causes balanced force?

Balanced forces cause stationary objects to remain at rest and moving objects to come to rest. If on exact opposite direction - nothing. Else it will produce a resultant force.

What kind of friction occures as fish swims through water?

there is no friction because air isn't friction and there is nothing else that makes a fish stop swimming.

Why is friction important in life?

Without friction you - and everything else - would simply slide off all the time.

What do you call objects that reflect the light from something else?

non-luminous objects