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The Parthenon was built as a shrine to the goddess Athena. It was mainly used as a temple to worship her.

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Who was named after the Parthenon?

The Parthenon, Was Named After Athna. (The Goddess Of ''Wisdom'')

What country is the Parthenon in?

The Parthenon is in Greece.

Who is partheon?

The Parthenon is not a person. The Parthenon was a building

Where can you find pictures of the Parthenon?

You Google Parthenon.

What is the web address of the Parthenon in Nashville Tennessee?

The web address of the Parthenon is:

Where is Parthenon located in Greece?

The Parthenon is located in Athens, on the Acropolis.

Does the Parthenon have a dome?

No. The Parthenon in Athens does not have a dome, but it may be confused with the Pantheon in Rome which does have a dome.

Which god does the Parthenon honor?

The Parthenon was dedicated to Athena.

Why was the Parthenon arched?

The Parthenon is not arched. Look again.

What were the Parthenon made of?

the parthenon colums are made of cement

Who built acropolis and Parthenon?

the Athens built the Parthenon

Who created the Parthenon?

the Parthenon was created by for young girls