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it is the ribosomes

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Q: Funtion as factories to produce proteins?
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What functions to produce proteins?

Ribosomes functions as factories to produce proteins.

What are the factories in cells that produce proteins?


What in cells functions as factories to produce proteins?


What is the function as factories to produce proteins what is the factories to produce proteins?

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Are proteins assembled in the cell?

Ribosomes are the cell organelles that assemble proteins. They function as factories to produce usable proteins for a cell.

Does ribosomes produces proteins?

Yes they produce proteins.They are the protein factories of cell

What functions as factories to produce protein?


Functions as factories to produce proteins?

the answer is RibosomesPS.I got the same worksheet ;D

What organelle combines proteins?

the ribosomes produce protein...these small structures function as factories to produce proteins. Ribosomes may be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, or they may float in the cytoplasm. I'm not so sure if they COMBINE the proteins.

Functions as factories to produce proteins in a cell?

Ribosomes are the structures that function as factories to produce protein. They connect one amino acid at a time and build long chains.

What is the function of the ribisomes?

Ribosomes are the structures where Proteins are synthesized.