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Petroleum Answer: Gasoline may be obtained by the fractionation and distillation of crude oil or from the condensate associated with natural gas production. Coal can be turned into gasoline by the collection of off gases in the coking process. In all of the above cases the final gasoline product is more than just the result od separation from the raw material. Gasoline is blended from a wide range of hydrocarbons which include cyclic compounds as well as straight chain molecules

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Oil. Gasoline is produced at the refinery from crude oil.

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Q: Gasoline is produced by refining which fossil fuel?
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What fossil fuel is is produced in gasoline?


Is gasoline part of fossil fuel?

Gasoline is a fossil fuel.

Is kerosene a fossil fuel?

It is a by-product of crude oil, therefore yes.

How is diesel energy produced?

Diesel is made by refining crude oil. It's a non-renewable, fossil fuel.

Can you recycle gasoline?

Gasoline cannot be recycled in the traditional sense like other materials such as paper or plastic. However, it can be reprocessed and refined to remove impurities and used as fuel again. This process requires specialized equipment and is typically done by professional recycling or waste management companies.

Given gasoline and water and electricity and nuclear fuel which is a fossil fuel?

Gasoline is because it is a product of oil, which is a fossil fuel. None of the others would qualify.

What process producers fuel for motor vehicles?

Refining oil into gasoline and diesel.

Is gasoline man made or natural?

Gasoline is a fuel that is man-made by refining the naturally occurring crude oil.

Is crude oil different from fuel?

Yes, crude oil is a raw natural resource extracted from the ground, while fuel refers to refined products derived from crude oil such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. Crude oil undergoes a refining process to separate and extract different components which are then used as fuel for various purposes.

Can fossil fuel be used to make gasoline for autos?

yes there are some fossil fuels used to make gasoline for autos.

Which fossil fuel is used to power cars?


The gasoline in your car is an example of what energy?

Its a fossil fuel :)