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The worst tornado in U.S. history was the Tri-State tornado of March 18, 1925. It tore a record 219 mile long damage path across Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killing 695 people.

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Q: Give an example of one of the united states worst tornadoes?
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Related questions

Were do the worst tornadoes occur?

Most of the worst tornadoes happen in the central and southern United States, though the worst single tornado on record was in Bangladesh.

Where in North America are the worst tornadoes?

The worst tornadoes in North America generally strike the central and southern United States, though several particularly destructive tornadoes have occurred in southern Canada and in New England.

One of the worst areas in the wold to experience tornadoes is?

Tornado Alley, on the Great Plains in the United States.

Do tornadoes happen in Illinois?

Yes. Illinois tornadoes are not uncommon in Illinois. The state has had a number of very destructive tornadoes. Most of the damage and deaths from the Tri-State tornado, the worst tornado in United States history, ocurred in Illinois.

Are the American tornadoes the worst in the world?

They are generally the strongest but not necessarily the worst. The two deadliest tornadoes on record ocurred in Bangladesh. The tornadoes in Bangladesh are not necessarily stronger than thoese in the United States, but the lack of a warning system, high population density, poor construction methods, and a high rate of poverty in Bangladesh excacerbate the effects of natural disasters such as tornadoes.

Where have tornadoes Caused great damage?

Virtually anywhere it wants. Canada has had F4 and F5 tornadoes. In the United States F4 tornadoes have struck as far east as Massachusetts and as far west as western Texas. F5 tornadoes have hit as far east as Pennsylvania. Some of the worst hit states have been Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, and Alabama.

Who was or is the worst United States president?

Historical consensus places James Buchanan as the worst ever President of the United States.

Are tornadoes in Nebraska worst than tornadoes in Texas?

Overall, no. Historically Texas, especially in its northern and eastern areas, has had worse tornadoes than Nebraska, though both states have experienced very deadly and destructive tornadoes.

Are F5 tornadoes the worst?

Generally yes. F5 is the strongest category of tornado capable of completely obliterating well built structures. However how bad a tornado is depends on factors other than strength, such as where the tornado hits. For example, a number of F5 tornadoes have traveled over open country, with the worst damage limited to farms that were destroyed. A list of the worst tornadoes in U.S. history will consist mostly of F5 or EF5 tornadoes (including the #1 worst), but several F4 tornadoes would be on that list as well.

How many human casualties are caused annually by tornadoes?

It varies from year tor year, but the average is about 60. This year is one of the worst on record with at least 551 tornado fatalities worldwide, 536 in the United States.

What countries have the worst tornadoes?

USA, Canada, Bangladesh, Great Britain, New Zealand

Where did Iowa get the names for the tornadoes?

Tornadoes don't have names, hurricanes do, and Iowa does not get hurricanes. Tornadoes are referred to by where they hit in most cases. For example, one of the worst tornadoes to hit Iowa in recent years was the Parkersburg tornado, which destroyed part of the town of Parkersburg.