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Pure substances are made up of a single element, or a single compound.

Table salt is a pure substance because it is made up of only the compound NaCl (sodium chloride).

Diamond is a pure substance, it is made up of the element carbon.

Air is not a pure substance, it is a mixture of several gaseous elements and compounds (nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide..)

Distilled water is a pure substance made up of a single compound H2O.

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9y ago
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9y ago

A pure substance or chemical substance is a material that is homogeneous and has constant properties throughout the sample. Water and pure hydrogen are pure substances as well as pure honey (with nothing added).

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Wiki User

11y ago

Examples of Pure Substances are;

  • Charcoal
  • Salt
  • Jewelries
  • Lemonade
  • Water
  • Oxygen
  • Sugar
  • Piping's

Hope these helped you! :)))))

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Wiki User

13y ago

Elements : Gold , Aluminum, Silver, Boron, Carbon , Nitrogen, Helium

Substances : Carbon monoxide , Table salt (sodium chloride ) , Water

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12y ago

water, sugar

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Koketso Mashao

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2y ago


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