

Glue be used on ping pong paddles?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Glue be used on ping pong paddles?
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What did they originally use to hit the ball with in ping pong?

Books were used as paddles to hit the ball in Ping Pong with the game originated in the 1880's.

What is the equipment used to play table tennis?

A table, a net, 2 paddles, and a ping pong ball. Isn't that pretty obvious :S?

What sport is a wooden curved paddle used in?

Ping Pong

What is the difference between table tennis and ping pong?

There is no difference between table tennis and ping pong. Table tennis and ping pong are just different names for the same sport.Table tennis is the official name for the sport, but when it was first invented it's popular name was ping pong. This is due to the sound the objects they used for bats would make.AnswerTable Tennis is the name of the sport played. That is why there isn't ping pong in the olympics. Ping Pong is a brand name that has since become interchangable with the word table tennis in the United States. There are ping pong tables which are used to play table tennis (the brand ping pong) and table tennis tables which are essentially the same thing.

What is a forehand drive in ping pong?

A forehand drive in table tennis is an offensive stroke that is used to force errors and to set up attacking positions.

What is on the inside of a ping pong ball?

In side of a ping pong ball, there is nothing except a vacuum of air. Also, there is a flammable liquid, which is used by daredevils to make smoke grenades

Do table tennis and ping-pong have the same rules?

Ping-Pong is a USA registered trademark, first developed in the early 1900s by Parker Brothers Inc., and it is now owned by Escalade Sports. Therefore the registered trademark "Ping-Pong" indicates a brand of equipment used to play the sport of table tennis. Ping-Pong is the brand and table tennis is the sport. However, in many places the names are still used interchangeably.

How do you spell ping pong in Japanese?

'Ping pong' or 'table tennis' is卓球 (takyuu) in Japanese. The wordピンポン (pinpon) may also be used.

Training exercises for a foldup ping pong table?

Training exercises used with a fold-up ping pong table can include aim both using forehand and backhand drills.

What shapes are used Memphis?

circles, squares, rectangles mainly... but the odd semi circles etc...

How did table tennis get its name?

Table Tennis Got It's Name From How It's Played. It's Just Like Tennis But The Bats Are Smaller And The Balls Our White, Plastic And Really Small. It Got Table Because It's Played On A Table Wich Looks Like A Mini Tennis Court. So That's How Ir Got It's Name "Table Tennis"

How many joules are used in a single swing of a ping pong bat?

nobody frikkin nos