

Table Tennis

Table Tennis, also known as Ping Pong, is a sport where two players hit a lightweight, hollow ball back and forth with paddles. It originated from England in the Victorian era and was made an Olympic sport in 1988.

795 Questions

What is the best measurement unit to use to measure the area of a ping pong table?

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The best measurement unit to measure the area of a ping pong table is square feet or square meters, depending on your preference. These units provide a clear and understandable measurement of the table's surface area.

What happen when table tennis ball being heated?

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When a table tennis ball is heated, its air pressure increases causing it to expand and become softer. This could affect the ball's bounce and flight characteristics, making it slower and less consistent during play. Heating the ball too much can also potentially damage it permanently.

Basic table set-up?

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A basic table set-up typically includes a tablecloth, placemats, dinnerware (plates, forks, knives, spoons), glassware (water and wine glasses), napkins, and a centerpiece. Make sure all items are arranged symmetrically and neatly for a polished look.

Who are all the past champions of table tennis in all kinds of competitions?

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Some past champions of table tennis competitions include Ma Long, Zhang Jike, Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen, and Xu Xin. These players have won numerous titles in various tournaments such as the World Table Tennis Championships, Olympic Games, and ITTF World Tour events.

Does pong pong has a fibrous husk?

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Yes, the pong pong fruit does have a fibrous husk. The outer covering of the pong pong fruit consists of a thick, fibrous husk or rind, which encases the seeds and pulp inside. This husk is tough and not edible, serving to protect the seeds and provide structural support to the fruit.

What is the world record of ping pong ball bounces in the world record of ping pong ball bounces in the air?

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The world record for continuous ping pong ball bounces in the air is 8,214 times, achieved by Ashrita Furman in New York on June 12, 2010.

What is the world record for keeping a ping pong ball in the air?

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The record for most laps walked around a table tennis table while bouncing a table tennis ball is 32 laps, according to the Universal Record Database.

The record for the most table tennis bounces in 30 seconds is 114 according to the Universal Record Database.

The record for the most consecutive table tennis ball bounces using alternate sides of the paddle is 117 according to the Universal Record Database.

In tennis if you swing and miss at a ball but it lands out do the opponents get the point?

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Yes, in tennis if you swing and miss at a ball but it lands out, your opponent gets the point. The point is awarded based on where the ball lands, not on whether you made contact with it or not.

How popular is Ping Pong in the world?

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Table tennis, also known as Ping Pong (a trademarked name), is one of the most popular sports in the world in terms of player numbers, as well as being one of the newest of the major sports. Primarily a recreational sport in the United States, table tennis is a major competitive sport in Asia and parts of Europe. In 1971 the sport achieved a great measure of publicity when, while touring Japan, a U.S. table tennis team was invited to play in China, thereby initiating the first officially sanctioned Sino-American cultural exchange in almost twenty years. Table tennis took its place on the Olympic program in 1988. Ping-pong is the most popular in China and some countries in Europe. Table Tennis is the second most popular participation short in the world next to Soccer. Definitively determining what sport is most popular is next to impossible. In many countries, people like several sports. For example, in the US, if you ask what the most popular sport is to a given person, they may say football or basketball. How do partition their preference? Do you count each as equal, or say count 70% of a vote for football, 30% for soccer? If you argue that you take only their most favorite, then some interesting consequences arise. For example: The population of China is over 1.3 billion people, or 1300 million. As noted in other answers, ping-pong is the most popular sport in this nation. If you make the assumption that in ALL of Europe, soccer is the most popular, then you could attribute about 700 million people to that sport. If you make the same assumption for South America, the other large soccer hub, then another 350 million soccer fans can be counted. Added together, this is about 1.1 billion or 1100 million fans….less than the population of China. This disparity only gets smaller when you survey other Asian countries, which rank among the most populous by far, since they either also chose ping pong, or other sports entirely (baseball, cricket). When viewed analytically, it is very hard to justify the often used statement that soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It is in fact ping-pong! This statement is made is generally unchallenged since the echoes of European imperialism still haunt us all, and many still take a very Euro-centric view of the world. To them, if it is not the rage in England, France, or Germany, it is not happening. However, the world is more than Europe, and Asia does matter, which is becoming increasingly more pronounced as we move into the twenty-first century.

When did Pong come out?

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Ralph Baer created Pong, as the first video game.

How do you play ping pong?

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You hit the ball back and forth over the net with another person. If the ball bounces twice on your side, you lose a point. Or if you can not return it and have it bounce once on the other persons side you lose a point. People play to different point totals.

How do you make your opponent use a shoe in Wii sports resort table tennis?

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You have to beat the champion then before a game starts press and hold 1 on the wii remote but remember YOU HAVE TO BEAT THE CHAMPION

How much money do rookie wrestlers make in one match?

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5,000 to 10,000 a week so 35,000 to 70,000 a month and a year is 260,000 to 520,000

What are the table tennis lines?

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If you are playing doubles(with another person on your side), then you and your partner decide who hits the balls that go in the left box and who gets the ones on the right.

Another use of the white lines is that when you practice hitting forehands, you hit the ball to the other person's right box. That goes on and it should work out fine. Same goes to backhands.

Why is the net on the table tennis table there?

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for without a net, the game would not be able to be played. You would not be able to tell who won the point. It is like tennis without a net, impossible to play a fair game.

How you can count points in table tennis?

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You play to 11. Only during the serve may you hit your side of the table, it must bounce twice, once on your side, once of their side. Afterwards, you must send the ball back to their table after it hits yours by the other player.

As long as the ball hits the other players table its in.

If your playing doubles you alternate hits and serve forehand diagonal, same points to 11.

The referee will do the calling in a tournament

Can a regular sized table tennis table fit on a regular sized pool table?

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There are also what is referred to as "conversion table tennis tops" made to fit over pool tables. They come in two halves. Each half is 4' 1/2" X 5'. A retail store,, sells them on-line as well.

How many different games are there for playing on a ping pong table?

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The first person to score eleven points in a ping pong game is declared the winner unless both players score ten points then the winner will be determined by whoever scores an extra two points.

A representation of a salt crystal made out of table tennis balls?

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The answer to this question is a model

When were table tennis balls invented?

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Table Tennis originated as a sport in Britain during the 1880s, where it was played among the upper class as an after dinner game.

Therefore the balls would have been invented around the same time.

James Gibb was the first person to use celluloid balls in 1901.

How do you get a ping pong ball out of a pipe?

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if your ball gets in a hole you need to get a doctor who can take it out of it...just make sure that u are okay with people watching you

Why placing a dented table-tennis ball in boiling water is one way to remove the dent in the ball assume the ball has no holes?

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The hot water causes the air trapped inside the ball to expand and it may pop the dent out to the original shape.