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God created human after the creation of all. He might have thought and plan to create human before all, because all the creations are for human usage.

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This belief reflects the idea that God predestined or planned for individuals to be chosen to be united with Him before the creation of the world. It is a theological concept that emphasizes God's sovereignty and foreknowledge in determining who will be saved.

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Q: God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world?
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What year was the world made by God the Savior?

According to Christian belief, the world was created by God, the Savior, but there is no specific year mentioned in religious texts. The creation story in the Bible is generally understood as a theological account rather than a historical one.

Was there a world before god?

In religious beliefs, God is often seen as the creator of the world, so there was no world before God in those contexts. Different cultures and beliefs may have varying views on this concept.

What was the christian vision of the world based on genesis?

The Christian vision of the world based on Genesis is that God created the world in six days and that humanity was created in the image of God. Genesis also teaches that humanity's purpose is to have dominion over creation, to be fruitful and multiply, and to live in harmony with God's will. This creation story forms the foundation for many Christian beliefs about the nature of the world and humanity's role in it.

Why did God choose Jacob over Esau?

God chose Jacob over Esau based on His divine will and purpose, not because of anything Jacob or Esau had done. This decision was part of God's larger plan to fulfill His promises to Abraham and Isaac, and to establish the lineage through which Jesus Christ would eventually be born.

What did the Hebrews in Egypt know about God before the Exodus?

The Hebrews in Egypt knew about God as the God of their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They likely had some awareness of His promises and faithfulness from their oral traditions. However, their understanding of God was limited until Moses revealed more of God's nature and character to them during the Exodus.

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What did Jesus do before he chose his apostles?

Jesus spent the whole night in prayer to God, before he chose his apostles. The book of Luke records this.

What year was the world made by God the Savior?

According to Christian belief, the world was created by God, the Savior, but there is no specific year mentioned in religious texts. The creation story in the Bible is generally understood as a theological account rather than a historical one.

What does it say about the nature of God in that Jesus chose ordinary people for the 12 apostles?

I think it says that God comes to everyone. The prequisites that God uses to chose his followers is the opposite of how this world choses it's.

When was The Fairy God Foundation created?

The Fairy God Foundation was created in 2005.

When was Foundation for God's Glory created?

Foundation for God's Glory was created in 2004.

What most likely happened before enlightenment but not after?

people accepted that god chose those monarchs to rule them

In Egypt whom did god chose as a deliverer?

In Egypt god chose Moses as the deliverer.

God said he forordained us before the foundation of the earth. I want to know where it talks about be before of the creation of the earth?

If you have a bible you will know what it means.

Was there a world before god?

In religious beliefs, God is often seen as the creator of the world, so there was no world before God in those contexts. Different cultures and beliefs may have varying views on this concept.

Why god chose only Abraham in the old days?

God chose Abraham because of God saw Abraham was worthy of a blessing and he had a clean heart.

How did god or the big bang make the world?

everyone has different views, but as a christian I personally believe that god made the world. He decided to make life so he chose to have humans and friends, god made the world but he didn't form it in his hands he just decided, he can do anything.