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Q: Guilfords theory of intelligence
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What type of intelligence does Albert Einstein have?

According to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory, Albert Einstein had a Logical-Mathematical intelligence.

Which of Gardner's types of intelligence is least likely to be found on a traditional psychometric theory based test intelligence?


What is infinite intelligence?

Infinite intelligence is a theoretical concept; it has not been, and is not likely to be achieved by any person on Earth. In theory, infinite intelligence would allow the understanding of all things without limit. A being with infinite intelligence could figure out the solution to any problem.

What is the average score for intelligence?

For the Intelligence Quotient, the scoring is based on the majority of the population having a score of 100, which in theory dissipates dramatically and uniformly on a bell-shaped curve when deviated from in either direction.

What are the differences between Sternberg's triarchic intelligence theory and Gardner's multiple intelligence theory?

Stermberg uses the application of the cognitive perspective to intelligence. (empathizes on how people use their intelligence not the amount). His triachic theory of human intelligence consists of three parts: the contextual, experimental, and the componential sub-theories. He argues that intelligence is a culturally defined concept. He asserts that different manifestations of intelligent behavior are valued in different context.Gardner argues that to assess intelligence in a truly general sense, tests should sample from a wider range of tasks. According to Gardner, IQ tests have generally emphasized verbal and mathematical skills to the exclusion of other important skills. He suggests the existence of a number of relatively autonomous human intelligence. Logical-Mathematical, Linguistic, Musical, Spatial, Body-kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist.Psychology: Themes and Variations; Second Canadian Edition Pp. 359-401

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Why did the Battle of Guilfords Court House take place?

Because it wanted to

Summarize Gardner's theory of intelligence?

Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences suggests that there are eight different types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. He argues that individuals have different strengths and ways of learning, and that intelligence is not a unitary concept but rather a collection of distinct capacities.

What is the theory of malleable intelligence?

are knoq

What is the Triarchic theory?

The Triarchic theory of intelligence was proposed by psychologist Robert Sternberg. It posits that intelligence comprises three aspects: analytical intelligence (problem-solving ability), creative intelligence (thinking outside the box), and practical intelligence (ability to adapt to the environment). This theory provides a broader and more comprehensive understanding of intelligence beyond traditional measures like IQ.

Who propounded theory of multiple intelligence?


Who propounded the theory of multiple intelligence?

The theory of multiple intelligence was propounded by Howard Gardner in 1983. Gardner proposed that intelligence is not a single, fixed trait, but rather a combination of different types of intelligences, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, and spatial intelligence, among others.

What type of intelligence does Albert Einstein have?

According to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory, Albert Einstein had a Logical-Mathematical intelligence.

Multi-factor theory of intelligence was developed by?

This theory considers intelligence as a combination of numerous separate elements or factors, each one being a minute element promoting a specific type of activity.THORNDIKE is the main propagator of this theory.

Which of Gardner's types of intelligence is least likely to be found on a traditional psychometric theory based test intelligence?


Who developed the theory of multiple intelligence?

Howard Gardner

Which theory of intelligence was supported by Alfred binet?

Alfred Binet is most known for developing the concept of mental age and the first intelligence test, the Binet-Simon scale. His work laid the foundation for the development of the concept of intelligence quotient (IQ) and the theory that intelligence can be measured and predicted.

Sternberg theory street smart or common sense are included as part of?

Sternberg's theory of successful intelligence includes street smarts or practical intelligence as one of the three components. Common sense, which refers to practical knowledge and reasoning gained from everyday experiences, can be seen as part of this practical intelligence component in his theory.