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How did the horses change the lives of native Americans who lived on the Great Plains?

the native Americans used them for hunting and warfare

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How did Soto's march through Georgia change the lives and culture of native Americans?

It change lives because of violence and disease

How did de soto's march through Georgia change the lives and culture of native Americans?

It change lives because of violence and disease

How did de soto march through change the lives and culture of native Americans?

They traded goods.

How did agriculture change lives of native Americans?

If I Knew The Fckin Answer, I Wouldn't Have Asked The Dang Question .

How did the Civil War change the Native Americans' lives in New Mexico?

They got set into the reservation

How did farming change the lives of Native Americans in north America?

native Americans already farmed

What role did religion play in the live of native Americans?

The role they played in religion was by sharing all believes

Why did native Americans live there lives different?

The native Americans lived their lives different because they respected nature and felt a special connection to the forest.

How did the lives of the native people change after the arrival of the spanish in the Americas?

The lives that changed with the arrival of the Europeans was the Native Americans. They were enslaved, given diseases, and discriminated against. The Spanish padres goals were to convert them and enslave them at the missions. In the second voyage of Columbus he made 1200 Native Americans slaves and sent 500 to Spain. From the first moment of the first European encounters with Native Americans their world was gone.

How did the lives of the native peoples change after the arrival of the Spanish in America?

The lives that changed with the arrival of the Europeans was the Native Americans. They were enslaved, given diseases, and discriminated against. The Spanish padres goals were to convert them and enslave them at the missions. In the second voyage of Columbus he made 1200 Native Americans slaves and sent 500 to Spain. From the first moment of the first European encounters with Native Americans their world was gone.