

HOW MANY feathers are in a ton?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Depends on how heavy the feathers are

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Q: HOW MANY feathers are in a ton?
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How many feathers does it take to make a ton?

It takes two thousand pounds of feathers to make one ton. Depending on the size of the birds from which the feathers are gathered from would determine how many feathers would make a ton.

What is heaveyist a ton of coal or a ton of feathers?

Neither is heavier. You could have 100 bricks and a million feathers, they still weigh a ton. If both weigh a ton, it doesn't matter how many.

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They are both equal in weight.

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How many feathers would be the equivalent to a ton of bricks?

there is no way of actually telling other than counting and weighing them out but taking the weight of a average feather and multiplying. It is about 1.5 billion feathers per TON.

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There are 2000 pounds in a ton (US) or 2240 pounds in a ton (UK). It does not matter if it is lead, gold, paper, or feathers - a ton is a ton.

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Which is lighter a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

A ton is a measurement of the weight of an object. No matter what the object is, if two items weigh a ton, then they are equal. A ton of bricks weighs exactly the same as a ton of feathers.

What is heavier - a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?

Neither, a ton is a ton.....they are both the same weight.

Is a ton of feathers more dense than a ton of iron?

no, ether way iron is more dense than feathers

If you have a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks which weighs more?

Neither, they both weigh a ton.

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2000 lbs of anything makes a ton (feathers, wood shavings, mud etc.)