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You should always use blanks (___), instead of just copy and pasting it.

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how in Cassidy is this best anwser -_-
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Thats not even and answer, bye Felicia -_-
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Q: Half of the mass of the atmosphere is found below the altitude of because the air is compressed by the of the overlying atmosphere?
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Why does atmosphere become less dense as the altitude increases?

The decrease in atmospheric density with increasing altitude is due to the decreasing pressure exerted by the overlying air mass as you move higher in the atmosphere. This is because there is less air above pushing down, causing the air to spread out over a larger volume. As a result, the molecules are more spread out, leading to lower density at higher altitudes.

How does the air pressure change as the altitude increases?

As altitude increases, air pressure decreases. Gravity causes the atmosphere to become heavier the closer you are to the ground. The atmosphere may seem weightless but all the air molecules add up to a tremendous amount of mass. If you think of the atmosphere like blankets, the more blankets you have piled on you the heavier they become, thus pressing down on your body more and more. This is the same in the atmosphere, where the higher the altitude, the less overlying atmosphere, the less pressure on air molecules. At higher altitudes the air molecules have more freedom to move around.

Why upper layer of atmosphere is called thermosphere?

because temperatures increase steadily with altitude.

Does air pressure and temperature change with altitude?

Yes, air pressure decreases with altitude because the atmosphere becomes less dense. In contrast, temperature changes can vary with altitude; typically, temperature decreases with altitude, but there are atmospheric layers where temperature may increase, known as inversions.

What does the temperature do as you increase in altitude?

As you increase in altitude, the temperature generally decreases. This is due to the fact that the air becomes less dense with altitude, causing it to expand and cool down as the pressure decreases.

Related questions

How does the air pressure change as the altitude increases?

As altitude increases, air pressure decreases. Gravity causes the atmosphere to become heavier the closer you are to the ground. The atmosphere may seem weightless but all the air molecules add up to a tremendous amount of mass. If you think of the atmosphere like blankets, the more blankets you have piled on you the heavier they become, thus pressing down on your body more and more. This is the same in the atmosphere, where the higher the altitude, the less overlying atmosphere, the less pressure on air molecules. At higher altitudes the air molecules have more freedom to move around.

Why does atmosphere become less dense as the altitude increases?

The decrease in atmospheric density with increasing altitude is due to the decreasing pressure exerted by the overlying air mass as you move higher in the atmosphere. This is because there is less air above pushing down, causing the air to spread out over a larger volume. As a result, the molecules are more spread out, leading to lower density at higher altitudes.

Why doesnt air temperature change uniformly with altitude?

Altitude doesn't change uniformly because the four main layers of the atmosphere have different temperature gradients, creating the thermal structure of the atmosphere.

Why upper layer of atmosphere is called thermosphere?

because temperatures increase steadily with altitude.

If altitude decreases what does density do?

As altitude decreases, air density increases. This is because air molecules are more compressed closer to the Earth's surface, resulting in higher density at lower altitudes.

What does the temperature do as you increase in altitude?

As you increase in altitude, the temperature generally decreases. This is due to the fact that the air becomes less dense with altitude, causing it to expand and cool down as the pressure decreases.

How the temperature change as you travel up through the atmosphere?

The temperature in the atmosphere decreases as altitude increases. The reason for this is there is less warmth from the surface of the earth reaching the higher altitudes because there are fewer particles of the atmosphere to transfer the heat. The temperature begins to increase, however, around 100km in altitude because of the heat and radiation from the sun.

How the temperature changes as you travel up through the atmosphere.?

The temperature in the atmosphere decreases as altitude increases. The reason for this is there is less warmth from the surface of the earth reaching the higher altitudes because there are fewer particles of the atmosphere to transfer the heat. The temperature begins to increase, however, around 100km in altitude because of the heat and radiation from the sun.

Does a white dwarf turn into a diamond?

It can because of all the carbon in the atmosphere and because it is so compressed. An example is the star "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".

Why is the Hubble telescope at that height?

Because it shall orbit above the atmosphere but still be at an altitude where it can be reached for repairs by astronauts.

As the altitude increases does the barometric pressure increase or decrease?

As altitude increases, barometric pressure decreases. This is because the air pressure decreases with increasing altitude, as there are fewer air molecules in the atmosphere exerting pressure on a given area.

What are the locations of the layers of the atmosphere?

The troposphere. The troposphere is one of the four layers of the atmosphere (0-10km in altitude) containing water vapour. Clouds are formed by water condensing and as air cools. This is why cloud formation is possible because the temperature of the troposphere decreases with altitude.