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left ventricle as it pumps blood to all parts of the body..

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Q: Hardest working chamber in the heart?
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What is the hardest working chamber in the heart?

Left Ventricle

Which chamber of the heart is considered the one working the hardest?

the ventricles because it pumps blood

What is the hardest working chamber?

The heart is the hardest working chamber in the body. It pumps oxygenated blood to the entire body through the arteries and receives deoxygenated blood through the veins to be reoxygenated in the lungs.

Is the left ventricle the hardest working chamber in the heart?

yes, it has to pump the blood through the aortic semilunar valve, then to the aorta and off to the body

What is the hardest working organ that is a type of muscle?


What is the largest busiest and hardest working human organ?

the hardest working horse is a appolosa. the hardest working muscle in your body is the heart. it pumps loads of blood through your body every second!

Why is the left ventricle the thickess chamber?

Because it has the pump the hardest since it is the final flow of blood in the heart.

The heart blood veesels?

Heart blood vessels is what collects blood and pumps it to the lower chamber. This is what keeps the heart in working function.

Which heart chamber has the thickest walls?

The left ventricle, it works the hardest and needs the most muscle mass.

The heart is the hardest working muscle in the body it contains four chambers which are connected to each other by a?

The heart is the hardest working muscle in the body and is divided into four chambers: the left and right atria, and the left and right ventricles. These chambers are connected to each other by valves that control the flow of blood through the heart.

Where did the first artificial heart come from?

An artificial heart is made from metal and plastic, and has a small pumping chamber lined by a special material that stops blood clots forming. An artificial heart that provides an extra ventricle to help pump blood around your body.

Why is the left ventricle the hardest working chamber?

Because it pumps blood all around your body. In comparison the right ventricle only pumps deoxygenated blood a short way across to your lungs (think of where your heart is compared to your lungs, then consider how far away your little toe is!)