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Scientists do not prove things.

Lamarck's theory is long refuted as acquired characteristics and the use and disuse concepts are not explanations for evolution of populations.

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Q: Has Lamarck's theory of evolution been proved?
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What parts of Lamarcks hypotheses have been proved wrong?

Animal behaviors are not inheritable.

Was the theory of sea floor spreading proved?

Yes it has been proved

Who wrote the the theory of evolution?

It does not appear that the book The Genetical Theory of Evolution has ever been published anywhere, so it does not appear to have an author.

How do scientists answer creationist criticisms of the theory of evolution?

Mostly by explaining why these creationist criticisms are based in an incomplete understanding of the principles of knowledge and an insufficient knowledge of the relevant data. Creationists say that one of the main problems of Darwin's theory of evolution is that evolution cannot be proved. They say that the reason why it cannot be proved is because no one was there to observe the process of evolution. They call it a "theory" in the sense of an hypothesis. Scientists say that nothing is 'proved' in science, in the sense of mathematical proof. All theories are judged by the abundance and quality of the evidence in their favor. 'Being there' is not a requirement for theories of stellar fusion or of the internal workings of the atom. What matters is that the evidence can be observed in the present. And the word "theory", in science, does not carry the same meaning as used in the colloquial sense, of 'hypothesis' or 'guess'. A scientific theory is an explanation of some phenomenon or phenomena that has been extensively tested, and for which no contrary evidence exists.

What theory has passed many tests and has not been proven wrong?

Evolution, Atomic Theory

What is the difference between a Theory and a Logic?

A theory is an explanation based on evidence and reasoning to describe a phenomenon, while logic is the principles of reasoning and inference used to make sense of information and draw conclusions. Theories are used to understand and explain the world, while logic is the systematic approach to ensuring the validity of arguments and reasoning.

What is an example of the evolutionary theory of government?

Tribal communities are good examples of evolutionary theory of government, because the family unit is often important but overseen by a leader. A biblical example is the 12 tribes of Jacob because the head of the family formed the larger government. Each tribe was headed by one of Jacobs son, and Jacob ruled over them all.

How does Josiah Strong show that he supports the theory of evolution?

There is strong support for the theory of evolution due to fossils that have been found by archeologists. The fossil records show evidence of evolution over billions of years.

Who was the first scientist to propose a theory about how life evolves?

Charles Darwin. His theory is The Theory of Natarual Seletion. A theory that has been proved even today

Why do you believe in the theory of evolution?

Why do you believe 2+2=4? Because it has been proved through logic, facts, and reasoning. Now why would you believe in evolution? Same reason. Granted a theory such as evolution is more complex than proving why 2+2=4, but the principles are the same.

What is a Christian's theory of evolution?

Some Christians do believe in Evolution. Others do not. For those who do, they believe it the same way as any. Those who do not, argue that without Adam and Eve having fallen in the garden of Eden, there would have been no reason for Christ to sacrifice himself. Their "theory" then, is that the heavens and Earth were created as described in Genesis. There is only one theory of evolution, that particular one proved by science. The majority of Christianity accepts this theory as being correct, and makes no claim as to its own theory (which would in fact, only be a hypothesis until overwhelming evidence was gathered).

Has the theory of evolution been disputed?

No. Evolutionary theory is one of the best supported theories in the natural sciences.