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Q: Has a bull shark ever been found in table rock lake and when?
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When has a shark been found in the Colorado River?

There is no verifiable information of a shark having ever been found in the Colorado River. However, the Bull Shark is capable of living in fresh water, so it is possible.

Which shark can swim in salt and fresh water and has been found in the Mississippi?

bull sharks.

What type of shark can be found in the Amazon river?

Bull sharks have been found 2500 miles up the Amazon River.

Who would win in a fight a lemon shark or a bull shark in a fight?

A bull shark is similar to a bull in the way that it is very aggressive and is one of the most dangerous shark species. What makes this shark so dangerous is that it can tolerate fresh water and have been found as far north as rivers in New Jersey.

Do Bull Sharks live in the Colorado River?

There is no verifiable information of a shark having ever been found in the Colorado River. However, the Bull Shark is capable of living in fresh water, so it is possible.

Can there be Bull Sharks in the Colorado River?

Yes, the Bull Shark is capable of living in fresh water, so it is possible. However, there is no verifiable information of a shark having ever been found in the Colorado River.

What shark has atack most great white or bull shark and tiger shark?

the bull shark has it is abal to eat anything science tist once found a licence plate in its stomach

Why are bull sharks named the word ' bull'?

They have the most testosterone of any creature in the animal kingdom. And they can live in freshwater. They have been found in the Mississippi and Great Lakes.Nice shark!

What is a Zambezi shark?

A Zambezi shark is another name for the bull shark, which is known for its aggressive behavior and ability to thrive in both saltwater and freshwater environments. These sharks are often found in rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters of tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

Where can one find Bull Sharks?

The bull shark is also known as the Zambezi shark. It is found worldwide in shallow, warm water. It can be found along the coast and sometimes also in rivers.

Where the bull shark found?

Worldwide tropical, so like the bahamas

Is a bull a mammal?

a bull, yes...a bull shark, no