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Yes, the larger the surface area to volume ration the more the heat loss is, therefore, they've got smaller surface area to volume ration.

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Q: Has a penguin got a small area of volume ratio?
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How does an earthworm increase its surface area to volume ratio?

An earthworm increases its surface area to volume ratio through its long and slender body shape. This allows for more surface area relative to its volume compared to a more compact shape. Additionally, the earthworm's body is covered in moist, permeable skin, which further increases its surface area for gas exchange and nutrient absorption.

Why is the rate of heat loss greater in a small animal than a large one?

Small animals have a higher surface area-to-volume ratio compared to larger animals. This means that they have more surface area through which heat can be lost relative to their body size, leading to a faster rate of heat loss. Larger animals have a smaller surface area-to-volume ratio, which helps them retain heat more efficiently.

The size of a cell is limited by it's?

The size of a cell is limited by its surface area-to-volume ratio. As a cell grows larger, its volume increases faster than its surface area, leading to limitations in the exchange of materials across the cell membrane. This can affect the cell's ability to maintain proper function and homeostasis.

Why do rats have a high metabolic rate?

Rats have a high metabolic rate because they are small animals with a relatively large surface area-to-volume ratio, leading to faster heat loss and requiring more energy to maintain their body temperature. Additionally, rats are active creatures with quick movements, which also contributes to their high metabolic needs.

What are the limits to cell size?

There is a lower size limit to a cell because a cell has to be able to fit all of the cell parts in. There is an upper cell size limit because if the cell was too big, it would lose its cell membrane integrity.

Related questions

Is the surface-area-to-volume ratio of a small cell less than that of a larger cell?

As a cell becomes larger the surface area to volume ratio gets smaller. The volume increases by the square of the surface area. That is the main reason that one celled organisms are small.

What happens if an Emperor penguin chic is left on the ice for 2 minutes?

Because the baby Emperor penguin has a high volume to surface area ratio it will die.

How will surface area to volume ratios of a small cell compare to those of a large cell?

A small cell will have a larger surface-to-volume ratio.

What limits most cells to a small size?

The surface area-to-volume ratio of the cell.

How can you find a cell's survace area to volume ratio?

to obtain the ratio of surface area to volume, divide the surface area by the volume.

How do you calculate the surface-area-to-volume-ratio?

The surface-area-to-volume ratio may be calculated as follows: -- Find the surface area of the shape. -- Find the volume of the shape. -- Divide the surface area by the volume. The quotient is the surface-area-to-volume ratio.

How can you obtain a cell's ratio of surface area to volume?

To obtain the ratio of surface area to volume, divide the surface area by the volume.

How does surface area to volume ratio affects an organism?

If the surface area of the organism is small, then there is no problem with getting all the oxygen needed. If the surface area of the organism is large, therefore a special respiratory surface is needed. An example is lungs, gills. The ratio of surface area to volume in a small organism is greater than the ratio in a large organism.

What Limits Most Cells to a Very Small Cell?

The surface area-to-volume ratio of the cell.

How do you find what the ratio of surface area to volume for a sphere is?

1) Calculate the area 2) Calculate the volume 3) Divide the area by the volume to get the ratio

What is the relationship between edge length ratios area ratios and volume ratios of similar figures with various scale factors?

Area ratio = (edge-length ratio)2 Volume ratio = (edge-length ratio)3 Volume ratio = (area ratio)3/2

Why are groups of a small cells better than one large cell at moving material in and out?

they have a greater surface-to-volume ratio