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I have a severe allergic reaction to MSG which has caused me to grow my own vegetables and carefully pick my foods.

Some of the bad side effects I've gotten have included

-insomnia, as a result of the seizures which I usually get when I'm about to go to sleep.

-Creepy nightmares

-Tightness and lock of jaw

-Stiffness of joints


These, I have found to be the result of my MSG intake...

It's a poison.

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Q: Has anyone experienced bad side-effect from eating MSG?
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How do you lose weight after eating msg?

You don't lose weight after eating MSG. MSG makes you fat because it throws your metabolism it of wack.

What restaurants don't use MSG?

Jason's Deli in Norman, Ok does not add MSG and it is stated on their menu. I have never gotten ill after eating there and I am very allergic to MSG.

Why does msg make you full?

MSG does not actually make you full, since it is not actually food. It has empty calories in which makes you feel hungry shortly after eating it.

Anyone on imvu?

im on imvu i am DeiSatoru please do send me a msg

Can eating MSG cause vomiting?

Yes. If you are sensitive to MSG, it can cause different symptoms in different people. It is hard to avoid. If you get a bad reaction to MSG, you will react to malted barley, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed yeast, and many more.

Why does your cat keep eating?

Commercial cat food is loaded with monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG gives food a savory flavor and sends endorphine-like messages to the brain. These messages cause cravings and sometimes addictions in people and animals. Cats seem like they are always eating because the MSG is making them crave the food they might not eat otherwise.

Does the Korean word for MSG literally translate to happy taste?

Yes because it is like eating POO! YUMMY

Does Long John Silver's use MSG?

Yes they do, I just googled it and it does show most of their fried, breaded items have msg. It also explains why I've gotten migraines eating their food, which I won't do again. This explains why I'm also getting headaches from eating their food.....I wondered the same thing. Thanks for saying they do have MSG in their food...I think a lot of fast food places use this and not just Chinese food.

Does pastrami have MSG?

Is there MSG in pastrami

Is there MSG in Pappa Johns Pizza?

I know for a fact it is in the pepperoni used at the Sedalia Missouri store. I had a reaction after eating it. It could have been they ran out of pepperoni and purchased some locally that was not MSG free. Either way I definitely had MSG poisoning from eating it. Once is all it takes for me. I will never spend my money twice at any restaurant that has it in there food. There are plenty of places that don't allow this poison in there food.

Will anyone give me a free all challenges lobbie MW2?

MSG sunny haiben on xbox 360 he hosts free lobbies

Does most coffee have msg?

Coffee does NOT have MSG.