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Of course ... Heart Surgeons have seen many hearts.

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Q: Has anyone seen a heart before?
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What does what the eye cannot see the heart will not crave mean?

It means you have to know something exists before your heart wants it. If you don't ever see any pretty women, then you won't be lusting after them. Most fetishes have to first be seen or heard before they implant themselves in anyone's heart, mind, and being.

Have you seen anyone naked before?

ahaha:)) uhm..yes!

Has anyone ever seen a real vampire before?

No. They are not real so they do not exist. Therefore no one has seen them.

Has anyone seen cats before death?

yes in fact some gifted cats can predict death

Has anyone seen the movie Angel Heart the Real question is the first answer below?

This is apparently a homework assignment, to which we must recommend: "Do your own work."

How come i cant see nami's purple heart event?

In order to see Nami's purple heart event, you have to make sure that you have seen all the rest of the heart events before the purple one.

Who all can have a heart attack?

Anyone with a heart.

Which is correct Anna and Marie has never seen a cattail before or Anna and Marie have never seen a cattail before?

Anna and Marie have never seen a cattail before. However, you are not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition, so the correct sentence should be: Anna and Marie have never before seen a cattail. I don't think anyone would mind if you used the first form, though. It sounds a little better.

Did anyone find a preserved dragon?

no ! no one has ever seen a dragon before because its only live in DRAGON PLACE and it must have been 100000 million century when the dragon dies but i am sure that god have seen dragon before . thank you

Has anyone seen This Is It?

Yes I have seen the tooth fairy in action.

Does anyone remember a heart shaped ice cream on a stick It was pink and white ice cream covered in chocolate?

ive never SEEN it but I've heard of it b4.