

Has it ever rained fish

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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no more than it hails taxis. Yes, if you look very closly at a rain drop.......they are puppies and kitties. =] Yes, if you look very closly at a rain drop.......they are puppies and kitties. =]

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16y ago
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14y ago

Of course not! 'I's raining cats and dog!' is an idiom. The precipitation would have to be made of cats and dogs in order for it to rain cats and dogs. Cats and dogs could never make up a cloud because 1) they are too heavy, and 2) they can't evaporate.

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14y ago

Yes, it has previously rained fish, because a tornado over a body of water can suck up anything near the surface. When the storm dies off, the fish drop, so it appears like it's rained fish.

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13y ago

Probably not because fish couldn't really go into the sky unless there was a extremely ruff tornado.

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15y ago

No it never rains animals.

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It RAINS for the whole weekend so the fish were safe for another week is not grammatically correct. Rains is present tense; were safe is past tense.Correct: It rained for the whole weekend so the fish were safe for another week.

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