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Q: Have Christian Bale and Tom Cruise appeared in the same movie?
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Who played batman in the movie The Dark Night?

Christian Bale played Bruce Wayne in 'The Dark Knight' .

What is Christian Bale best movie?

The dark night trilogy

'What is the name of Christian Bale's Father?

Christian Bale's father was named David Bale.

Is Christian Bale a Christian ?

Hilarious. but no, Christian Bale is not a christian To my knowledge.

Who portrayed Bruce Wayne in the movie Batman Begins?

Christian Bale.

Who played Batman in the highest grossing Batman movie?

Christian Bale

What movie stars have gained a lot of weight for a role?

Christian Bale.

What is the birth name of Christian Bale?

Christian Bale is the actors real name. He did not change it

Were Christian Bale Heath Ledger in a bat man movie together?

Yes, Christian Bale played Batman and Heath Ledger played The Joker, in 'The Dark Knight.'

What is Christian Bale's occupation?

Christian Bale is a/an Actor

Was Robin in The Dark Knight?

No. Robin never appeared in the Christian Bale movies.

Who plays the new Batman?

The most rescent Batman is played Christian Bale. He has appeared in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.