

Heat of formation of water

Updated: 5/22/2024
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14y ago

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) I(g) + e → I-(g)
b) I2(g) → 2I(g)
c) I(g) → I+(g) + e
d) Na(g) + I(g) → NaI(s)
e) Na(s) + 1/2I2(s) → NaI(s)

Of these options the correct answer is e).

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3w ago

The heat of formation of water is the energy released or absorbed when one mole of water is formed from its elements in their standard states. For water, the heat of formation is -285.8 kJ/mol. This negative value indicates that the reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases energy.

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15y ago

When formed from water vapour; condensation. From ice; melting.

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11y ago

Liquid form= -285.8 kJ

Gaseous Form= -241.8 kJ

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What is driven by heat energy released by condensing water vapor?

The process of condensation of water vapor releases heat energy, which can drive weather phenomena such as cloud formation, rainfall, and the formation of thunderstorms. This heat energy contributes to the dynamics of the atmosphere and plays a role in the water cycle.

If you have the heat of formation of a substance at a given temperature how do you calculate its heat of formation at a different temperature?

To calculate the heat of formation of a substance at a different temperature, you can use the heat capacity of the substance to adjust for the change in temperature. You would need to integrate the heat capacity over the temperature range to determine the change in enthalpy and then correct the heat of formation using this adjusted value.

Does convection play a part in weather?

Yes, convection is an important process in weather formation. It involves the transfer of heat through the movement of air or water. Convection helps drive the movement of air masses, leading to the formation of clouds, precipitation, and the distribution of heat across the Earth's surface.

Where does the energy from water vapor go?

The energy from water vapor can be released through condensation, where the vapor turns into liquid water and releases heat. This process can contribute to cloud formation, rain, or snow, helping to maintain Earth's water cycle.

Use the particle theory of matter to explain why heat is required to boil water?

The particle theory of matter states that all matter is made up of tiny particles that are constantly in motion. When heat is applied to water, the kinetic energy of the water molecules increases, causing them to move faster and further apart. This disrupts the forces holding the water molecules together, eventually leading to the formation of water vapor and the boiling of water.

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What are 3 requirements for cloud formation?

heat , water and air

Is the formation of water endothermic or exothermic?

The process is endothermic because the water is absorbing heat from the kettle. When energy (heat) is released as steam this is exothermic.

Is cloud formation endothermic or exothermic?

Cloud formation is an endothermic process because water vapor molecules need to absorb heat energy from their surroundings in order to condense into liquid water droplets or ice crystals, releasing latent heat in the form of clouds.

What is the formula for finding heat formation?

The formula for calculating heat of formation is: ΔHf = ∑nΔHf(products) - ∑mΔHf(reactants), where n and m are coefficients of products and reactants, respectively. Heat of formation is the enthalpy change when one mole of a substance is formed from its elements in their standard states.

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The standard heat/enthalpy of formation of SO2 is -296.8 KJ

How does water make you cooler?

Water can make you cooler through a process called evaporation. When water evaporates off your skin, it absorbs heat energy from your body, making you feel cooler. This effect is enhanced if the water is cool or if there is a breeze to help with evaporation.

What is the heat of formation of n2O4?

The heat of formation of zinc nitrate is -2304 kJ.

Why does well water bubble?

Every action hs a reaction. If yu heat it , it's formation will change with the type of energy.

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The standard heat of formation of RbClO3 is -414.1 kJ/mol.

If you have the heat of formation of a substance at a given temperature how do you calculate its heat of formation at a different temperature?

To calculate the heat of formation of a substance at a different temperature, you can use the heat capacity of the substance to adjust for the change in temperature. You would need to integrate the heat capacity over the temperature range to determine the change in enthalpy and then correct the heat of formation using this adjusted value.

Does water requires the addition of heat to turn into vapor?

Yes, water typically requires the addition of heat to turn into vapor. This process is known as evaporation, where the heat energy breaks the bonds between water molecules, allowing them to escape into the air as water vapor.

Why water demineralized used in a boiler?

Demineralized water is used in boilers to prevent mineral buildup that can lead to scale formation. This helps maintain efficient heat transfer and prevent corrosion in the boiler system. Using demineralized water can also increase the lifespan of the boiler components.