

High liver counts

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Elevated liver enzymes may indicate inflammation or cell damage in the liver. Inflamed or injured liver cells leak higher than normal amounts of liver enzymes into the bloodstream.

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If bilirubin is high in a human body then which organ is most affected?

the liver

If your liver enzymes are high could this be because of a fatty liver?

Yes, a fatty liver will cause a rise in liver enzymes (as determined by a blood test). However, all other liver conditions will also cause a rise in liver enzymes, so concluding it is due to "fatty liver disease" purely on the the basis of high ALT/AST levels would be foolish. Some liver diseases can be ruled out on exactly how high the enzyme levels are (some require very high levels, and at certain ratios), however that still leaves quite a few possible causes for high liver enzymes. If your liver enzymes remain high, or if you are experiencing other symptoms of liver disease (e.g jaundice, itching, tiredness, indigestion possibly with upper back pain, stabbing pain in either side of the abdomen etc...) , you will be sent for further testing to identify the exact cause of the liver malfunction, and advised as to appropriate treatment. However you may also find that your liver enzymes stabilise by themselves, without need for treatment.

What causes high sgpt?

Alcoholism is one of the reasons which increases SGPT levels in the blood. Continuous use will eventually result in permanent liver damage. Another reason for high SGPT is Fatty Liver. Steatohepatitis is a type of liver disease which is characterized by the inflammation of the liver with concurrent fat accumulation in liver. Peple having diabetes also experience Steatohepatitis. Overweight in people can cause Fatty liver which in turn can cause higher SGPT.

What is the most likely reason for a person to have abnormally high blood ammonia levels?

Liver dysfunction

Is a ferritin level of 189 high?

Have ferritin level of 587 & a fatty liver & cholesterol of 6.9

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What if sgpt is high?

high SGPT is mostly found in liver dis.and fatty liver.

Is 90 a high count for liver enzymes?

is a elevated count of 90 high for liver enzymes

What if ALT SGPT is high?

high SGPT is mostly found in liver dis.and fatty liver.

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Why would a really high fever be so dangerous for your liver?

high fever is dangerous for the liver as when the body temperature becomes high, the liver would not be able to detox poisonous food during digestion.

What causes a high liver count and is it reversable?

High liver count is caused by damage to, and death of, liver cells. Enzymes leak out into the blood, and these can be counted and thus provide the liver count.Cause are many, but alcoholism and drug abuse are major contributors. Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver is another.Also, mononucleosis will cause increased liver count.These are a few of a great many causes to high liver count.Also, some medications will cause a higher than normal liver count.A high liver count is usually reversible. This is due to the livers high ability for regeneration even after massive damage.

What does it mean to have high liver enzymes?

High levels of liver enzymes can indicate damage or inflammation of the liver. Causes include hepititis, obesity, fatty liver disease or even a problem caused by certain medications.

What does a high liver count mean?

A high liver count means that the liver enzymes are at a high rate. Some causes of a high liver count are Hepatitis A, B, or C, obesity, heart failure, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. It could also signal liver cancer, Mono, and cirrhosis.