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The answer is Galileo.

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Q: His observation suggested that planets had substance?
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What were Galileo's observation?

Galileo's observation was that all the planets revoled around the earth and he though earth was a middle planet

Is observation enough to determine what type of bond a substance has?

Observation alone is usually not enough to determine the type of bond a substance has. Additional experiments and analysis, such as spectroscopy or crystallography, are often needed to accurately determine the type of bond present in a substance.

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Who suggested that the planets move around the sun?

Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543.

What observation did Darwin make that suggested there had been geological changes in Earth's history?

Giant Tortoises

What can you infer from these observation?

It means, what do you understand from the observations. Like, is a certain process or reaction suggested to occur?

What Is used to identify the nature of substance?

The nature of a substance is determined through various types of observation and testing.

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How a semisolid substance can de identified?

By a simple observation; also a semisolid substance can flow without any stress.

What is quanitative observations?

An observation is quantitative if it has something to do with the amount of the substance or measurements.

Example of quantitative observation?

An example of a quantitative observation is measuring the temperature of a substance using a thermometer and finding it to be 25 degrees Celsius.

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