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Homogeneous materials have a uniform composition at a microscopic level, meaning they appear the same throughout. This is because the components are evenly distributed, resulting in consistent physical and chemical properties in all parts of the material. Examples include air, sugar solutions, and alloys like brass.

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Q: Homogeneous materials look the same throughout even though they contain different materials?
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Homogeneous materials contain visibly different materials?

False. Homogeneous materials have uniform composition and properties throughout, meaning that they do not contain visibly different materials.

Is rainwater a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

Rainwater is a homogeneous mixture because all its components (water, gases, and particles) are evenly distributed throughout, creating a uniform composition.

Is rainwater a heterogeneous or a homogeneous?

If the rain water contain powdered materials the mixture is nonhomogeneous.

What is similar between homogeneous and heterogeneous?

both mixtures need atleast 2 components and at least one of the components has to be a liquid there are many other reasons

Are elements heterogeneous or homogeneous Why?

Elements are inherently homogeneous, because they contain only one kind of atom and therefore can not have different chemical compositions in different parts of a sample of an element.

Is seawater heterogeneous or homogeneous?

Seawater is considered to be homogeneous because it is a mixture of various salts and minerals that are evenly distributed throughout. This means that properties such as salinity and temperature are consistent throughout the body of seawater.

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Are atoms heterogeneous or homogeneous?

Molecules can but do not have to be homogeneous. Molecules are homogeneous when they appear the same, smell the same, and are made up of the same structure.

More examples of homogeneous?

A solution of sugar dissolved in water is homogeneous because the sugar molecules are evenly dispersed throughout the water. Air is considered a homogeneous mixture of gases because it has a uniform composition of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases. Brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc, is homogeneous because the atoms of copper and zinc are uniformly mixed at the molecular level.

Is sea water a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

Sea water is a homogeneous mixture because only one phase can be seen when you look at it (similar to homogenized milk).

Is seawater a homegeneous mixture?

No, seawater is not a homogeneous mixture. It is a complex mixture of water, salts, minerals, and organic matter that is not uniformly distributed throughout.

What is a homogeneous of two or more substances?

A homogeneous mixture contain only one phase; vinegar is homogeneous.