

Homonyms in sentence

Updated: 4/25/2024
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8y ago

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homonym has a diffrent diffintion than synomyn

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Vaughn Herzog

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1y ago
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4d ago

Sure, please provide me with a sentence so I can identify the homonyms for you.

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Homonyms are words that sound the same, such as die and dye, but are spelt differently.

Can you give 10 examples of homonyms with sentence?

Bark: The dog's bark is loud. / The tree's bark is rough. Bat: I saw a bat in the cave. / Can you hand me the baseball bat? Match: Can you light a match? / Do these socks match? Saw: I saw a bird in the tree. / Can you hand me the saw? Tear: She had a tear in her eye. / Please tear the paper in half. Watch: I like to watch movies. / Can you wear my watch? Right: Turn right at the next intersection. / Is that the right answer? Light: The room was dark until I turned on the light. / The feather was light as a feather. Scale: The fish scale gleamed in the sun. / Please step on the scale to weigh yourself. Bear: A bear was spotted in the forest. / Can you bear the weight of this burden?

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A mite might make you itch.

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i weigh myself on the way

Can Write a sentence including a pair of homonyms?

There are 20 dogs that their owner left.

Can you 5 examples of homonyms homographs and homophones use them in a sentence?

Homonyms: The bark of the tree is rough. The dog began to bark loudly. Homographs: They had a lead in the game. She used a pencil made of lead. Homophones: I ate eight pieces of cake. It's too late to make a change now. Homonyms: Don't desert your friends when they need you. The desert is a harsh environment to survive in. Homophones: He saw a bee buzzing around the flowers. The sea was calm and peaceful that day.

What is the homonyms of weigh and way in a sentence?

The way to know what you weigh is to step on a scale.

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My aunt Holly is as tiny as an ant!