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Most Australian parrots nest in hollows in the trunks or thick branches of trees.

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Q: Do the parent cockatoos look after the eggs?
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Related questions

Do cockatoos have babies?

Cockatoos lay eggs like all birds.

How do cockatoos have babies?

Cockatoos lay eggs like all birds.

How do cockatoos nest?

Cockatoos are birds, parrots, and lay eggs which are incubated by the parents until they hatch.

When do Cockatoos lay eggs if they are girls?

A few years

How do cockatoos give birth?

The words "give birth" mean producing live young from within the body. NO BIRDS do this. ALL birds lay eggs which develop into live young outside the body.

How does a parent bird usually incubate it eggs?

Bird eggs will only develop at a temperature close to the body temperature of the parent bird. Thus, a parent bird usually incubates the eggs by sitting on them to keep them warm.

Do Cockatoo lay eggs?

Well, yes cockatoos lay eggs like other birds then they bring food and take good care plus they fly ina flock ( it means group.)

Can male macaws lay eggs?

Cockatoos are parrots, which are birds, and birds reproduce by laying eggs. A female cockatoo should lay eggs, but there are always reasons why a bird might not lay eggs. If it is a pet, it could be stressed, or the conditions simply may not be right. Alternatively, given that it is very hard to tell the difference between the male and female of many cockatoo species, there is a good chance that it is a male. No male bird lays eggs.

What is the plural for cockatoo?

Cockatoos is the plural of cockatoo.

Is A Cockatiel Endangered?

Cockatiels are not endangered, partly due to the fact that they can have multiple clutches of eggs per season, and they generally lay 3-6 eggs at a time. Cockatoos - specifically black cockatoos - are endangered in the wild. Several rehab and captive breeding programs exist both in Australia and in other nations, but bird care can be expensive so these groups need your support.

Do duck parent check on their eggs?


What do cockatoos not eat?

Cockatoos do not eat meat of any type.