

How British treated colonists?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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9y ago

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The British Generals and civil servants treated the Boers as ignorant savages. The Boer wars could possibly even been avoided wit some tact and diplomacy by both sides.

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they treated them very badly

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Q: How British treated colonists?
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because the british got fed up with the colinest and yeah bynote from new answerer: the British DID NOT get fed up with the Colonists. The colonists got fed up with the british. Because of said reasons belowNew Answer: February 11, 20091.) Because the British kept giving taxes to the Colonists. They treated the Colonists like a "money tree". So everytime the British needed money, they just took some from the Colonists.2.) Colonists began smuggling in sugar3.) The British had the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act.STAMP ACT = every written document now had a taxSUGAR ACT = this was to stop colonists from smuggling goods (mostly and other foods)4.) Eventually, the Colonists got really pissed off.

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