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Astronauts cope with weightlessness in space by exercising regularly to maintain muscle and bone strength, using special equipment for daily tasks, and by taking medications to counteract the effects of fluid shift in their bodies. They also undergo training before the mission to adapt to the sensation of weightlessness.

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Q: How Do Astronauts Cope With Weightlessness in space?
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Weightlessness is experienced by astronauts in space due to the absence of gravitational forces.

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What are two ways that astronauts on the space shuttle combat the effect of weightlessness?

by eating and digesting

What are two ways that astronauts on the space shuttle combat the effects of weightlessness?

Astronauts on the space shuttle combat the effects of weightlessness by exercising to maintain muscle and bone strength. They also use special equipment like foot restraints and handrails to anchor themselves and perform tasks safely in a microgravity environment.

What are two ways astronauts on the space shuttle combat the effects of weightlessness?

by eating and digesting

Why do astronauts want to be astronauts?

Astronauts want to be one of the few people who get to go into space, to experience living in a weightlessness environment, to look down on the earth from above, and to fully appreciate the vast emptiness of space.