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Q: How Eskers are glacial features formed when .?
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What is formed by glacial erosion?


. Eskers are glacial features formed when .?

Steams flowing in tunnels beneath glaciers deposit sand and gravel

Where are drumlins and eskers usually found?

Drumlins and eskers are found in glacial areas. Drumlins are hills made of glacial sediment and till, while eskers are long ridges of glacial drift.

What is the difference between a drumlin and an esker?

Drumlins are formed by glacial movement; eskers from streams under the glacier.

What form by glacial erosion?


How were Eskers and Kettle lakes formed?

They were created by glacial movement 10.000 years ago, in the last ice age.

What are the types of features that form from glacial erosion?

Glacial Erosion formed Yosemite Valley and the Sierra Nevada

What could be formed by glaciers?


What forms eskers?

an esker is formed by a Glacier

What are various features formed by erosion?

Erosionally formed features include valleys, stream and river channels, lake beds, sand dunes, all glacially formed features such as eskers and moraines, seaside cliffs and beaches, canyons, mesas, spires, buttes, caves, and deltas, among others.

Were eskers formed by erosional or depositional processes?


A narrow winding ridge composed of out wash deposited in a tunnel or channel cut into stagnant glacial ice?

An eskers