

How Rizal be the national hero?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: How Rizal be the national hero?
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Where Jose Rizal a national hero?

Jose Rizal the national hero of the Philippines.

Who declared to Jose Rizal as National Hero?

rizal is an American sponsored hero. 1946 that America declared the Dr. Jose Rizal was a national hero

Where Jose Rizal national hero in the Philippines?

Jose Rizal is the national hero of the entire Philippines.He was born in Calamba, Laguna.

Who is the Filipino national hero?

The national hero of the Filipinos is Dr. Jose Rizal.

Why was Jose Rizal not an American sponsored hero?

Rizal was not an American-sponsored hero because it was the Filipinos who chose Rizal as our national hero not the Americans. It is true that the Americans suggested Rizal but they were not the one who chose him.

Who is the Philippines' national hero?

jose rizal

Why rizal is national hero?

He is a national hero because he healed all the people who was damaged,sick.

Why is Rizal became the national hero?

The Americans want a non combatant national hero for the Philippines.

Why Jose p rizal cinsidered as a national hero?

rizal is considered a hero because he fought for the freedom of his country

Who is ponciano rizal?

Paciano Rizal, the only brother of Philippine National Hero, Jose Rizal.

Why filipino people choose Jose rizal as a hero?

Rizal was never chosen by Filipinos to become a hero. It was the American government who declared him as a national hero to become a rallying focal. The real hero is Andres Bonifacio. If Rizal was not a member of an elite family, he may not be declared as national hero.

Who makes Jose rizal a Philippine hero?

the government during the American time, proclaimed Rizal as the national hero of the country