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wasp stings are very strong alkali's and if you counter act them with some sort of acid it would neutralise the sting e.g. use lemon juice or any strong acidic substance.

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Q: How acids and alkalis treat wasp stings?
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Are wasp stings acids or alkalis?

A wasp sting is an alkali, hence the fact you put vinegar (acid) onto it to stop it hurting. Bee stings however are acidic.

How is bee and wasp stings related to acid and alkalis?

A bee sting is acidic and a wasp sting is alkaline so that makes them have acid and alkali in them....!

Is wasp stings acid or alkalis?

yes it is

Do acids help bee stings or wasp stings better?

No. Bee venom is acidic anyway, and wasp venom is chemically neutral, so in neither case will any form of acid help.

If a wasp stings you will you eventually die?

If you are allergic, yes, if you don't treat it then you could likely die.

Does ic Prednisone treat bee stings?

Prednisone is an oral steroid that can be used to treat wasp stings depending on how severe the reaction is. Antihistamines are usually among the first treatments used.

What 3 ways can neutralization be used?

nuetraliation is used on teeth and stings and small experiments in class stings like: neetles bee and wasp, and jellyfish. An acid to put on them is vinegar. and teeth people use toothpaste which already has alkalines and acids in it .

Why do use vinegar to treat wasp stings?

It is a fallacy that you can neutralise wasp venom with vinegar. It came from people believing wasp venom was alkaline: in fact it isn't, it is chemically pretty well neutral. Vinegar is known to have some soothing action for certain skin conditions, but I think with wasp stings a lot of it is a placebo effect.

Is a wasp sting acidic?

the wasp sting is full of venom which is alkaline

Can you give 3 examples of neutralisation in the home?

if you put vinegar on wasp stings it will help because wasp stings have alkali in it and vinegar is a weak acid but bee stings are different they are acidic so if you put toothpaste on it it will help (try not to get bee stings mixed up with wasp stings because it will hurt even more if you put toothpaste on wasp stings or vinegar on bee stings)

Is a wasp sting an alkalis or an acid?


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