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Peyote is not addictive at all. When I lived in the Southwest, it showed up very infrequently, once every few years or so. It is a dried up brownish looking button about one inch in diameter. The center of the button is pure strychnine, it looks like white cottonish material. Pick all this out, throw it away and chew the remaining wood textured button. Eating it bite for bite with an apple helps it go down. After an hour you may throw up. Then the colors come and the earth energy. Peyote is energizing and you will want to be outdoors for this trip. The effects of two-three small buttons will last 6-8 hours. There is a lot of superstition and lore about peyote. One should never sell it for profit, or it will anger the Peyote god, Mescalero. You can cover the costs of obtaining it, but the no profit rule is very strict. Bad things can and do happen if you pick it out of season. Also, when picking, you must follow the straight line of the cactuses. Meaning that you can not just pick from a few cactuses next to each other, but must go vertical, horizontal or diagonal from the first plant. Pick in a straight line from the last plant. this is important. Peyote is meant to be used for enlightenment and to see visions. It is a sacred plant and should be respected. One trip lasts a long time in terms of emotional and spiritual satisfaction, thus no addiction.

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LSD has no addictive properties.

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How do you recover from peyote addiction?

Peyote isn't an addictive drug. A lot of people really like peyote, but there aren't any physical addictions to it.

What is the addictive substance in cactus?

Not all cati contain hallucinogenic properties, but the well-know peyote cactus contains mescaline. Mescaline is not necessarily an addictive substance, and peyote is not the only plant that contains Mescaline.

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Both alcohol and opiates (opium, heroin, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, Suboxone, etc.) are physically addictive. As far as I know, they are the only drugs that are physically addictive. Amphetamines, methamphetamines and cocaine are extremely psychologically addictive, as well as chemically addictive, but not physically addictive. Ecstasy also has a fairly high potential for psychological and chemical addiction, but it is not as addictive as speed, meth, or coke. Hallucinogens (LSD, marijuana, salvia, peyote, mescaline) are neither chemically addictive nor physically addictive. They can be psychologically addictive, though.

What is the peyote producing plant?

Peyote comes from the peyote cactus or Lophophora williamsii.

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Can you Smoke Peyote?

Is peyote illegal in KY?

Excluding the use of peyote by Native Americans for religious purposes, peyote is illegal in Kentucky.

What scheduale is peyote?

peyote is schedule 1 as it contains mescaline

What is the chemical formula of the peyote?

Peyote is a plant not a chemical substance.

What is the primary active chemical in peyote?

The alkaloid most responsible for the effects of peyote is mescaline. However, peyote also contains many other alkaloids that contribute to its effects.

How is a peyote adapted to its environment in the Sahara Desert?

Peyote does not grow in the Sahara. Peyote grows in the deserts of the US southwest and Mexico's north.

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What is a source of peyote?

cactuses are good eat them all until you get blazed or die lol