

How and when was oil created?

Updated: 5/25/2024
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10y ago

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Oil is primarily formed from algea that died and sank to the sea floor. Layers of sediment were deposited on top of this. Under immense pressure and high temperatures, the algae was converted into kerogen and then oil. Different oil deposits are dated to differen ages rangingf from over 500 million to less than 50 million years old.

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2mo ago

Oil was created over millions of years from organic matter such as plankton and algae that decayed and were buried under layers of sediment. The process of heat and pressure transformed this organic material into oil. This occurred primarily during the Mesozoic era, about 252 to 66 million years ago.

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Coal is formed from the remains of plants that have been compacted and heated over millions of years. Oil is formed in a similar way but from the remains of marine organisms such as plankton. Both coal and oil are fossil fuels, created through the process of decomposition and pressure under the Earth's surface.

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High pressure is important in the oil extraction process because it helps to push the oil out of the reservoir and up to the surface. This pressure can come from natural underground formations or be artificially created through techniques like hydraulic fracturing. Without sufficient pressure, the oil would not flow efficiently and extraction would be much more difficult and costly.

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What is a rock that yields oil when heated?

Oil shale is a type of rock that contains kerogen, a precursor to oil. When heated, the kerogen in oil shale can be converted into oil and gas. This process is known as pyrolysis.

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Pine-Sol was invented by Harry A. Cole in 1929. It was originally known as Pine-Ola and was created as a pine oil-based cleaner for use in hospitals.

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